
Erythrophobie/Warum wird man rot vor Scham

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Fear of blushing

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What does erythrophobia mean

Why do I keep blushing?

Why do you blush with shame?

Why do I blush and others not

What can you do about turning red?

How long does the blush last

What can I do about blushing?

Erythrophobia and magnesium

How am I in an inner dialogue with myself - summary

What does erythrophobia mean

The word erythrophobia is made up of erythro (Greek) = red and phobia = fear / phobia / anxiety disorder. Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing.

Why do I blush?

The body is stressed in certain situations and reacts with redness in the face.

It is not the blushing that is the problem, but the evaluation that causes me massive stress. The person concerned is terribly embarrassed, humiliating or shameful. Fearfulness of not meeting the requirement can also be a trigger. You might want a hole in the ground to crawl into. So it has something to do with the demands you make on yourself and on society.

What is funny here is how the environment evaluates it: They carry it with humor. People who blush have no flaw, nor is it perceived as a deficit. Maybe you see it as a little quirk. Maybe it's cute. And that is exactly where the rabbit is buried in the pepper: in the internal evaluation with oneself. This triggers excessive stress. This is exactly when the person concerned begins to avoid situations. As with any phobia, there is a vicious circle of anticipatory anxiety and avoidance of it happening again, or even the thought that it could happen again. These thoughts usually set in in adolescence, when one is unsure and does not have enough life experience. It often affects more women than men.

Why do you blush with shame?

One can view blushing as a natural reaction of the body to or from shame and anger. Feeling shame has something to do with embarrassment, embarrassment, humiliation, and mortification. The loss of control also plays a role. This is how reactions, connections, and ultimately signals arise in the brain's emotional center. From there, signals are passed on into the body via the nerve cords of the autonomic nervous system, which lead to increased blood flow in certain areas.

Another historically widespread religious dilemma of shame is already described in the Bible. The rebellion against the divine order in the creation story: Adam and Eve suddenly found their nakedness inappropriate when they ate from the tree of knowledge without permission.

Why do I blush and others not

Everyone has a different level of self-confidence. In certain situations, this results in an internal basic tension, willingness to stress and stress management. Situations from the past that have had a negative impact on us are unconsciously consulted if they were assessed unfavorably. This is called learning on the model.

How long does the blush last

The head doesn't stay red for hours. One assumes 10 minutes. This should be a little consolation for all concerned.

What can I do about blushing?

Relax, relax, relax. See a therapist who strengthens your own self-confidence, if necessary, sets a body anchor with hypnosis and does not avoid the situations that lead to a vicious circle. A regression (time travel to the original event) is appropriate in some situations. This can be achieved through hypnosis.

Erythrophobia and magnesium

Magnesium can be added to relieve the basic inner tension. Magnesium relaxes the muscles.

Wie bin ich mit mir im inneren Dialog - Zusammenfassung

Wichtig ist hierbei die innere Einstellung, wie gehe ich mit Scham, Angst, Versagen oder Ausgeliefertsein um. Kann ich es umbewerten? Wie wohlwollend gehe ich mit mir selbst um? Nicht jede Situation ist gleich. Hypnose in Form einer Regression kann sehr hilfreich sein, um Gelassenheit zu finden.

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist das Rotwerden für die Gesellschaft allenfalls eine kleine Marotte und stellt kein persönliches Versagen dar. Wichtig ist, keine Vermeidungshaltung einzunehmen "Ich könnte Rotwerden, deshalb gehe ich  nicht hin" und sich den unangenehmen Situationen so stellen. Sich innerlich gut zuzureden ("Ich schaffe es und das Rotwerden ist nicht schlimm") nimmt den inneren Druck und die Angespanntheit. Bestimmte Situationen nicht selbst als schlecht zu bewerten, schützt, noch tiefer ins Vermeidungsverhalten zu kommen und den Teufelskreis zu durchbrechen. Das eigene Selbstbewusstsein an anderen Stellen z.B. mit Sport oder gesellschaftlichem Engagement stärken, ist eine weitere verhaltenstherapeutische Strategie.

Viel Erfolg!

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